The CBC states that the unredacted list, delivered to CBC in digital format, was an erroneous response to a request for unrelated records under the Access to Information Act. The CBC reported that the highly confidential details, including home addresses of taxpayers and the value of tax credits they were granted, were contained in a copy of a CRA spreadsheet covering the years 2008 to 2013. On November 25, 2014, the CBC published an article entitled, "Canada Revenue Agency privacy breach leaks prominent Canadians' tax details: Business leaders, art collectors, authors and politicians among more than 200 on agency's list of donors". The complainants allege that the CBC is in contravention of the Privacy Act for disclosing details of the breach and identifying some of the affected individuals in the media. As a result of the CRA breach, the CBC subsequently published an article on Novemwherein it provided details of the breach, identified several of the individuals affected by the breach, and also published the portraits of six of the affected individuals.
This Report of Findings relates to complaints against the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in relation to a privacy breach at the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) wherein the personal information of taxpayers' was inadvertently mailed to a CBC journalist.
Complaint under the Privacy Act (the Act) Introduction